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A Guide to Understanding the Basics of Metal Presswork

Jul 12, 2024

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As many businesses work with metal, it became vital to invent a way for metal to be shaped and adjusted quickly and simply. Thankfully, that’s exactly what metal presswork refers to, utilising large machines to adjust metal sheets on an industrial scale. In this article from Cotmor Tool and Presswork, you can find out everything you need to know about this beneficial process and why it might be right for you.

The Key Considerations of Metal Presswork

Before you can decide if you might benefit from metal presswork, it’s helpful to know why presswork is carried out. Read on to discover some of the key components of the metal presswork process, from the shapes the process can create to the materials that can be used.

Defining Metal Presswork

Presswork refers to a method used to form metal into different shapes. The process requires a press machine, which is a tailored tool designed to get the job done quickly. This results in specific and accurate parts that have been designed for your company’s specific needs.

Achieving Complex Shapes

As our products and vehicles become almost as complex as our lives, more specific pieces are needed for the manufacturing process. Challenging shapes will need to be created, key to fitting into place perfectly yet securely. Luckily, metal pressworking is designed to help manufacturers get the shapes they need smoothly and quickly.

Pressing Materials

Different metals will be unsuitable for certain jobs, making it important to choose the right material for your needs. Thankfully, many different types of metal can be pressed and adjusted by a metal presswork company. This allows buyers to choose the specific metal that might work best for them.

Stainless steels, for example, are suited for environments where corrosion is likely to occur. That isn’t to say that it is immune to rusting, however. Be mindful when selecting the material of your choice if you’re considering metals for your business needs.

The Benefits of Presswork Metals

More than just a shiny surface, pressworked metal can be beneficial for many reasons. While it depends on the specific application of your presswork metals, the benefits of these materials remain the same. Read on to discover three of the top benefits of presswork metals.

Fast Production

In this age of technology, speed is everything. To wait around for the production of elements needed for your project can disrupt your predicted schedule. Instead, using a professional presswork metals business can save you the hassle, ensuring that you’re able to meet your deadlines with ease, thanks to the quick production of the pieces needed.


As metal is stretched and bent, it’s easy to feel concerned about it retaining its former strength. Thankfully, this doesn’t need to be the case. Pressworked metal pieces provided by professionals are designed to retain strength while staying lightweight, providing the best of both worlds for your project, whatever it might be.


While tailoring metal pieces by hand can work well on a small scale, often it can lead to item inconsistencies on an industrial scale. Consistency is key, particularly if these pieces will be used to manufacture other products. Failure to create the same pieces can result in a backlog of production. Instead, employing the services of a professional presswork company can benefit you immensely, ensuring that the pieces won’t set you back because of inconsistencies and mistakes.


It can be frustrating to receive inaccurate parts that won’t fit into the space needed. Thankfully, precision metal pressing is an easy option. Utilising expert machinery, precision metal pressing can be achieved simply and efficiently, while providing clean and accurate results. This solution means you no longer have to feel exasperated by receiving the wrong-sized products.


With metal stamping comes creative freedom. Any metals you use can be adjusted and customised to meet your needs, whether it’s a specific bend needed or you need certain words imprinted. Metal presswork allows you to customise your metal materials, whether for functional or aesthetic purposes.

Industries That Utilise Presswork Metals

Spanning across various industries, many businesses reap the rewards of metal presswork. Metal fabrication is a key process for innumerable companies. In this section, you can find three invaluable industries that benefit from high-quality presswork services.

Automotive Industry

Vehicles are steadily becoming more and more advanced, which inevitably requires more pieces and components to help them function as they should. The automotive industry therefore benefits from presswork businesses that manufacture the tailored metals needed to create high-quality vehicles. Specific pressworked pieces businesses within the automotive industry may benefit from include power steering parts and suspension components.


For businesses that supply electronics, the right metals are essential. We have become accustomed to slim electronics, for example, which require intricate and specific pieces to operate. Pressworking adjusts metal pieces to the size and shape needed, helping electronics companies to produce parts and systems, ready to be sold on.


To create beautiful and functional buildings, metals are a must. Used to secure other parts in place or secure items together, metals are fantastic additions to any work site. Thanks to their specific benefits, metals can be found both internally and externally on a range of properties. Copper, for example, is a popular metal used in gutter systems, plumbing systems and heating systems.

Metal Presswork Services in Dudley

If you’re searching for a trustworthy company that provides metal pressing services, look no further than Cotmor Tool and Presswork. Based in Dudley, our family-run business has been in operation since 1952, allowing us to provide all our customers with expert services. We pride ourselves on our attention to detail, as well as our commitment to providing our customers with only the highest quality services.

Other Services

Our expertise isn’t limited to metal presswork. We can also offer welding and assembly services, helping you to secure important pieces together. Alongside this, we are experts in electrical laminations. Finally, precision tools are a must for many businesses, which is where our tooling services can be employed to benefit you.

Contact Us

Please visit our website to learn more about us and our services, or get in touch with our team directly today. We would be happy to speak to you, helping to answer any questions or providing further support and advice. 

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